There is this view of classics as being books that are written by literary gods, beyond criticism and highly intellectual. At least that was my perception.
However, I learned later on, often from people who really enjoyed the classics, people who either had very good teachers or were self-taught, that there was more humor to be found in many famous books.
So they made me question whether I had to take Shakespeare very seriously. Or Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Or James Joyce's writings.
Some people say always go to the source and you will find you answers, but the problem is that books and the authors do not exist in a vacuum. Reading a book won't tell you how to read it.
What is required, I think, is learning more about both the author and their environment. What was life and society like where they lived? What books were popular at the time? Was the author reacting to certain literary tradition or cultural norms at the time? Who were they writing for? How were they paid?
submitted by /u/e_2718
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