São Paulo A influenciadora Viih Tube deu à luz ao segundo filho, fruto do relacionamento com o ex-BBB Eliezer. O casal já tem Lua, de um ano e sete meses. Por meio das redes sociais, ela afirmou que Ravi nasceu às 19h49 de segunda-feira (11), pesando 3,7 quilos e 49 centímetros. Os dois começaram a […]
Planned strikes on the London Underground have been suspended following talks over pay between the Aslef union and Transport for London (TfL). Industrial action was due to begin on Thursday and a walkout was also planned for next Tuesday. Aslef said it had been given a “significantly improved” pay offer by London Underground management and […]
Cameras are a funny rabbit hole to fall down as a hacker, because we have well over a century of items to pick and choose from, a lot of which can be had for relative pennies. In my case I have more of them than I’d care to mention, mostly film cameras and 8mm movie […]
TVs used to be round, and the GE M935AWL is a great example of that. [bandersentv] found one of these ancient sets, but found it had a “cataract”—a large ugly discoloration on the tube. He set about repairing the tube and the set, restoring this grand old piece back to working order. The video begins […]
O pai de Viih Tube, Fabiano Moraes, abriu seu coração e falou sobre o diagnóstico inesperado de burnout. Em entrevista à Quem, o veterano confessou não ter se atentado aos sinais enquanto adoecia “Quando me dei conta, eu já estava em depressão. Eu sempre tive uma longa jornada de trabalho, horas e horas resolvendo e […]