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Petty boss refuses employee’s request for paid sick leave, then fires employee when she puts in her 5-week resignation notice: ‘At this point I’ve had enough’

Who knew that employees could get sick, thus keeping them out of work for a few days? C-suite executives can’t believe it every single time one of their underlings requests some paid sick leave, which is promoted and protected by the law. No employee should have to worry about their job being in peril because […]

‘I was so angry’: Employee reveals workplace mistreatment by toxic boss and starts a chain reaction from former scorned employees, boss gets fired as a result

When dealing with a toxic boss, some might tell you to bite your tongue when you try to complain about them to HR, or even other coworkers. If you’re thinking that your boss is not doing their job correctly, in addition to simply treating the employees under them like garbage, you might be doing other […]

Fortune 25 CEO takes 1.5 hour Zoom call on a 6 AM flight, passenger claims he refused to use headphones and spoke with an ‘I’m the eldest boy’ level of volume: ‘Is this okay?’

If you’re taking an early morning flight, it’s likely that you want to use your aerial trip to get some shut-eye before you land. Especially if you’re flight is scheduled for six o’clock in the morning—you’re probably arriving at the airport around 3 AM. Everyone’s a bit grumpy when they’re in for a trip in […]