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The James Webb Space Telescope’s array of eighteen hexagonal mirrors went through an intricate (and lengthy) alignment and calibration process before it could begin its mission — but the process is far from being a one-and-done. Keeping the telescope aligned and performing optimally requires constant work from its own team dedicated to the purpose. Alignment […]
Stalker expertly brings you into the Zone. Filled with horrific nature-defying anomalies, mercenaries, and dangerous mutants, every breath you take in the excluded area of Choronobyl could be your last. People explore the Zone for its phenomena, but not everyone makes it out alive. That’s because they aren’t prepared for what lies in wait, but […]
Why Constant Contact is an Excellent Choice for Small Businesses Constant Contact is a well-rounded platform with tools that can be especially beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers flexibility, simplicity, and support, making it a valuable addition to any marketing strategy. Designed for Non-Technical Users With its easy-to-navigate interface and resources like tutorials […]
The massive galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0, also known as G165, is shown at left. Its gravity, like a gravitational lens, magnifies and distorts the images of background galaxies. In one of these, shown in the inset at right, are three bright images of the same supernova, dubbed H0pe (labeled with white dashed circles). NASA, ESA, […]
How is your mental health these days? Many Myanmar people are said to be suffering from depression and anxiety, after enduring almost four years of destruction and deprivation. These include journalists, who are also traumatised by having to witness and document these disturbing events. This week’s story is by a Doh Athan journalist and is […]