About Mobile A11y
Mobile A11y is a collection of blogs and resources about how we as mobile developers can improve accessibility on mobile devices. From time to time the blog might also touch on related topics such as digital inclusion, and other topics around ethics in technology. The site is aimed at mobile developers and is written by a mobile developer. I hope this means other mobile developers will find the content relatable and engaging, and you’ll find learning about mobile accessibility along with me helpful.
This site isn’t aimed at accessibility users, so you’re unlikely to find information on how to use tools like VoiceOver and TalkBack. For iOS users looking to know more about using accessibility tools, you might consider Shelly Brisbin’s iOS Access for All.
About Rob Whitaker
Rob is an iOS mobile developer currently working for Capital One in the UK. Rob is passionate about making great mobile experiences that work for everyone.
Rob lives in the middle of the UK where he enjoys views over a national park when the weather is bad, and getting out into the national park when the weather is good. Rob lives with his wife (human) and daughter (dog).
Paid Content
I will not include any user tracking advertising on this site.
I may choose to include some paid for sponsored messages or posts if I feel the sponsor is suitable. If I do choose to do this I will always make it clear from the start that this element is paid for. I reserve the right to remove the sponsored content and repay any money if I later determine the sponsor has acted unethically. If you might be interested in sponsoring an element of the site drop me an email.
I may include partner links to 3rd party paid products or services which provide me with a small referral. If I do choose to do this I will always mark these links with a (£), and provide a non-referral alternative.
If you really appreciate the work I have done, you can always drop me a small amount of pizza money 🍕.
Privacy Policy
I don’t currently keep any data from any visitors to this website. This includes no cookies, no user tracking, no anonymous stats, etc. I don’t have any plans to add this currently, but I may choose to add the minimum possible anonymous statistics in future. If I do choose to do this I’ll commit to doing this in the way that is most respectful of your privacy.
If you choose to contact me through email, twitter, or any other means, then I’ll keep andy details you send me for the purpose of replying to you.