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Lua functions for conky doesn’t update independently

I have two Lua functions, getSongLyrics and getSongTitle, whose outputs are displayed in a conky window.

getSongLyrics uses a python script that runs sptlrx pipe and outputs it into a FIFO file, which is read by the function and then displayed in conky using conky_displaySongLyrics.

getSongTitle uses playerctl to get the title and artist of the current song playing, which is then displayed directly to the conky window using conky_displaySongTitle.

The problem happens when a new song plays or is changed, the output display for getSongTitle in the conky wndow only gets updated whenever getSongLyrics is updated (i.e. a new lyric line). This problem is further shown whenever a song doesn’t have any lyrics available, thus conky_displaySongLyrics never gets updated, which causes conky_displaySongTitle to never get updated from the previous song, until a song with lyrics plays.

I’m assuming that it’s because of the FIFO file waiting for a new line from sptlrx pipe that causes this update problem, but I’m not quite sure how to make it so that conky updates getSongTitle independent of getSongLyrics.

How do I make it so that these two functions are ran independently from each other, so that conky_displaySongLyrics does not affect conky_displaySongTitle, and vise versa?


-- read file and print contents of file
function readPrintFile(file)
    local f = io.open(file, "rb")
    -- if file doesn't exist, return nil
    if not f then return nil end

    local content = f:read("*a")

    return content

-- get song title from a music source
function getSongTitle()
    local command = io.popen("playerctl metadata --player spotify --format '{{ artist }} - {{ title }}'", "r")
    local title = command:read("*l")
    return format:gsub("\n", "")

-- get song lyrics from a music source
function getSongLyrics()
    local lyrics = readPrintFile("/tmp/sptlrx_lyrics") or ""
    return lyrics:gsub("\n", "")

function conky_displaySongTitle()
    return getSongTitle()

function conky_displaySongLyrics()
    return getSongLyrics()


import os
import subprocess

pipe_path_lyrics = "/tmp/sptlrx_lyrics"
except FileExistsError:

process_lyrics = subprocess.Popen(["sptlrx", "pipe"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

for line_lyrics in iter(process_lyrics.stdout.readline, ""):
    with open(pipe_path_lyrics, "wb") as lyrics:


conky.config = {
    lua_load = "$HOME/.config/conky/scripts.lua",

conky.text = [[
${if_running spotify}\
${alignc} ${lua displaySongTitle}
${alignc} ${lua displaySongLyrics}\

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