Three years ago I shared this on twitter:
And tonight we’re going to see CAKE. Which is amazing, except that we live in Texas and the concert is outside and I’m always overheated…to the point where I carry an embarrassingly giant cup of ice with me every where I go. So I told Hailey that I was worried I wouldn’t be able to last more than 30 minutes there and they said I should just bring a cooler of ice with me and I explained that you can’t bring shit into concerts and Hailey said I should just bring a doctor’s note. I told them that (oh, sweet summer child) concerts don’t work that way and Hailey explained that the world is different now, and maybe Hailey is right but I can’t bring myself to ask my doctor to write a note saying “DEAR CAKE, PLEASE LET JENNY HAVE ICE. HUGS, A TOTALLY PROFESSIONAL DOCTOR.”
So then Victor said that he was going to buy me a vest made of ice (which is a real thing) but I’m pretty certain they check for that sort of thing too and so instead he suggested I just freeze my bra, but it would be hot by the time that we got to the concert and then he was like, “I bet you could make a killing freezing bras at hot events” and I’m pretty sure you couldn’t but then he was like, “You could sell frozen raspas and also freeze bras” and then we both looked at each other and said, “FROZEN BRASPAS” and this is why we’re still married.
PS. Spellcheck is telling me that “raspas” is not a word and now I’m wondering if anyone will understand this because is this just something we have in the south? It’s like a snowcone but made with shaved ice and you can put fruit on them or chamoy or pickle juice or tajin. They’re delicious.
PPS. Now spellcheck is telling me that “chamoy” and “tajin” aren’t words either. OMG, get it together, spellcheck.
PPPS. Last week we took Hailey and their partner to a raspas place next to our house and inside the cooler they had “Squirt” soda and I was like, “SQUIRT! OMG, SQUIRT!” And the everyone in the place stared at me in horror and I pointed at the soda and was like, “When’s the last time you saw a Squirt? It’s been years” and then Hailey was like, “Mom, you can’t just yell ‘SQUIRT’ in a crowded shop” and when we went back last night they didn’t have any Squirt in the cooler and I can’t help but think this is all my fault and that the world is changing very quickly.