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The ‘hate incidents’ probed by police: From a tweet about identifying as a fish, to a boy calling another a ‘leprechaun, how cops are ‘wasting time’ on ‘ridiculous’ cases

A former PC tweeting a joke about identifying as a fish and a boy calling another a ‘leprechaun’ are further examples of so-called ‘hate incidents’ investigated by police.  Non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs) are meant to be reserved for cases that are ‘clearly motivated by intentional hostility’ and where there is a genuine risk of significant […]

The Best Twitter Bio? The Humble Tweet

Tell me who you are in 160 characters. I’ll wait while you try and achieve the level of nuance necessary for the task. This constraint is why you end up with generic Twitter bios that don’t tell you much about someone and all look like: Father, cyclist, biz-dev, and fighting every day for the Quebec […]