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Privacy marked absent? IFF writes to government departments against their use of Aadhaar biometric and facial recognition enabled attendance systems

This post was updated on October 01, 2024. tl;dr In recent years, there have been rising instances of facial recognition technologies and biometric scans being deployed by India’s union and state government agencies to record attendance. This technology is being deployed at public offices, hospitals, and schools without adequate checks or safeguards, endangering vulnerable data […]

Hey Digi Yatra Foundation, open up the doors…

tl;dr Digi Yatra Foundation, a private company that runs the opt-in facial recognition airport check-in service, reached out to IFF to invite us to a closed-door meeting with their CEO Mr. Suresh Khadakbhavi and the team. While we appreciate the invite for a private conversation and will be happy to engage (with some reservations), we […]