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Building with nightly Swift toolchains on macOS

The Swift website provides nightly builds of the Swift compiler (called toolchains) for download. Building with a nightly compiler can be useful if you want to check if a bug has already been fixed on main, or if you want to experiment with upcoming language features such as Embedded Swift, as I’ve been doing lately. […]

Software engineering book recommendations

Software engineering book recommendations The following is a list of software engineering books I’ve read that I felt had a strong and lasting positive impact on my career. It’s not a list of everything I enjoyed (that would be impossible to list down), but rather a special list of resources that taught/helped me so much […]

Deploy CoreML Models on the Server with Vapor

Recently, at Sovrn, we had an AI Hackathon where we were encouraged to experiment with anything related to machine learning. The Hackathon yielded some fantastic projects from across the company. Everything from SQL query generators to chatbots that can answer questions about our products and other incredible work. I thought this would be a great […]

Toggles: the easiest feature flagging in Swift

I previously wrote about JustTweak here. It’s the feature flagging mechanism we’ve been using at Just Eat Takeaway.com to power the iOS consumer apps since 2017. It’s proved to be very stable and powerful and it has evolved over time. Friends have heard me promoting it vehemently and some have integrated it with success and […]