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Dhaka, Washington discuss on recovering stolen assets

2 Bangladesh and the Unites States (US) have discussed strengthening collaboration to counter corruption, tackle money laundering and recover stolen assets. The discussion was taken place at a meeting between Bangladesh foreign secretary Md Jashim Uddin and US Acting Coordinator for Global Anti-Corruption Shelby Smith-Wilson in Washington, according to a message received here today. The […]

Guerra Israele – Libano, le notizie di oggi. Il Washington Post rivela: Hamas voleva un attentato contro Israele in stile 11 settembre

Che Hamas stesse pianificando da anni l’attacco terroristico del 7 ottobre era noto, ma oggi – a poco più di un anno da quella carneficina – i due più importanti giornali Usa rivelano nuovi particolari. Hamas già anni prima aveva pensato di organizzare un piano che avrebbe potuto far esplodere un grattacielo a Tel-Aviv, in […]

New Washington library is encompassed in sustainability

Sustainable construction and design have become a trendy topic in real estate, with homebuyers now proudly showing off their graywater systems and solar panels. But the new Mount Vernon Library Commons by HKP Architects in Mount Vernon, Washington proves that sustainable design can be used by any company, any government and anyone who wants to […]