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Should I quit blogging?

When I started this blog in 2012, it was at first to share solution to technical problem I encountered on my daily work, to give back to the community. Over the years, I extended the content to other projects and ideas I had. Nowadays, I get more and more feedbacks on it, sometimes good, sometimes […]

Learning About Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is all the rage these days. From Bitcoin to Ethereum to Ripple, to some silly sounding thing someone will come up with tomorrow, it’s something people want to know about. At the risk of sounding like a super noob, what’s a good introduction to crypto? From the basics through understanding current landscape — Benny […]

Learning iPad Programming, 2nd Edition

Learning iPad Programming, 2nd edition, by the excellent Kirby Turner and myself, is finally available. This project has been in the works for a while and now it’s finally actually shipping and in print and stuff instead of just being preorderable. If you order now you can probably have your copy before I get mine. […]