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YouTube Is Experimenting With AI-Generated Music Remixes for Creators

YouTube is tapping into generative AI and prompt engineering to allow creators to effortlessly remix songs for their Shorts, The Verge reports. While remixing typically requires a great deal of production finesse, the platform’s new AI feature, currently in beta, lets creators easily “restyle” licensed music into punchy 30-second clips. Testers chosen to participate can […]

Prime Video could soon get one of YouTube TV’s best features

Key Takeaways Prime Video is gearing up to enhance its live sports streaming capabilities with a potential multiview feature. While specific details about the multiview feature are still emerging, code found in the app’s latest build suggests traditional playback controls like pause, rewind, and fast-forward may not be available during multiview usage. It is unclear […]

Tomasz Wolny dołącza do Kanału Zero

Tomasz Wolny w Kanale Zero zadebiutował we wtorek. W swoim premierowym materiale opowiada o nowych początkach wielu uznanych ludzi. Wolny przyznaje, że pożegnanie na początku br. z Telewizją Polską było dla niego „dość twardym lądowaniem”. – Ale nie od dziś wiadomo, że gdy ktoś zamyka przed tobą drzwi, to trzeba się otworzyć na nowe opcje […]

The Revenant Expansion Arrives for EVE Online

The day has arrived, there is a new splash screen… well, that has been there for a few days now… and the update is complete so the Revenant expansion is the new reality in EVE Online. EVE Revenant has arrived Over at Massively OP they did the math and declared Revenant the 50th expansion for […]

Use This App Instead of the YouTube Music Website

Key Takeaways YTMD is a third-party desktop app for YouTube Music available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. YTMD offers media key support, taskbar media controls, background music playing, and integrations with other tools and apps. Using YTMD solves browser tab issues and resource consumption, providing an enhanced music playback experience. YouTube Music is one of […]