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Do you know what’s common between the blinking cursor, hyperlinks and text highlighting in TextViews? They’re all implemented using spans. Spans are tiny objects that Android uses heavily across the framework. If you’ve worked with text styling such as bold or italics, then you’re already familiar with the basic usages of spans. But they are […]
Nel’s interest in the picture book Harold and the Purple Crayon began five decades ago, when he encountered the book as a child. In the ensuing decades, he not only wrote a biography of the book’s author, Crockett Johnson, but also aspired to write the current volume, which he calls “a biography of a book.” […]
New arrivals to Ransh Cyfle Olaf, or Last Chance Ranch, learn that “this isn’t prison; this isn’t holiday camp. This is a place to start at the beginning.” The novel opens with Nell and four other young people on a bus in rural Wales. Nell tells readers, “I’m quick to rage, will flip if pushed, […]
This exploration of the achievements of scientist Frederick Banting doesn’t explain the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes until the glossary and never mentions gestational or other types of diabetes at all. And some readers may be put off by descriptions of how his research involved removing pancreases from healthy dogs, especially given […]
With clear-minded authority, Banner tells the story of a crucial, but misunderstood, part of the constitutional structure. The fiery language directed at SCOTUS obscures a fascinating, complex story, says this engaging book. The past decade has seen waves of vitriol directed at the Supreme Court from one side or another, so it is refreshing to […]