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Why it’s hard to read the time on Infograph – Marco.org

October 9, 2018 ∞https://marco.org/2018/10/09/infograph-legibility Quick, what time is it? If that took you a bit longer than usual to tell the time on the Apple Watch’s new default Infograph face, you’re not alone: I’ve configured mine acceptably, but Utility is still far more legible for telling the time at a quick glance: Infograph, Utility Infograph […]

Watch, Siri, search, and redesign! – Marco.org

September 17, 2018 ∞https://marco.org/2018/09/17/overcast5 I apologize for the low battery level. Busy day. It all started with the watchOS volume widget. You see, Overcast’s previous Apple Watch app really sucked. I did my best with the capabilities of watchOS 1–4, but I couldn’t give people what they really wanted: Standalone podcast playback on the Apple […]