droidcon NYC 2018 – Growing Your Team While Remaining Efficient Source link
droidcon NYC 2018 – Xfinity Home Android – a 4 year retrospective Source link
droidcon NYC 2018 – Wanna get rid of UI Jank? Source link
October 9, 2018 ∞https://marco.org/2018/10/09/infograph-legibility Quick, what time is it? If that took you a bit longer than usual to tell the time on the Apple Watch’s new default Infograph face, you’re not alone: I’ve configured mine acceptably, but Utility is still far more legible for telling the time at a quick glance: Infograph, Utility Infograph […]
When people use Dank, one of the terms they use to describe it is fluid. The app makes a good use of motion to indicate changes on the screen, but I think one of my favorite reasons why the app feels fluid is because it handles keyboard changes smoothly. When the soft keyboard is shown, […]
A funeral home copes with the surge during the coronavirus pandemic During normal times, Joe Ruggiero Jr. might hold 25 funerals a month; this April there have been 71. Due to a surge in COVID-19 cases, his family’s funeral home in East Boston is so overrun that the tribute lounge and cafe normally used to […]
Remember “cybersecurity”? Mysterious hooded computer guys doing mysterious hooded computer guy .. things! Who knows what kind of naughty digital mischief they might be up to? Unfortunately, we now live in a world where this kind of digital mischief is literally rewriting the world’s history. For proof of that, you need look no further than […]
September 17, 2018 ∞https://marco.org/2018/09/17/overcast5 I apologize for the low battery level. Busy day. It all started with the watchOS volume widget. You see, Overcast’s previous Apple Watch app really sucked. I did my best with the capabilities of watchOS 1–4, but I couldn’t give people what they really wanted: Standalone podcast playback on the Apple […]