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Wrap-up 2020

Like before, this will be a mostly personal ramble about things that happened during the year. You’ve been warned. For the usual technical content, please tune in next year. The elephant in the room Let’s just get this out of the way: this year has been absolute rubbish. There’s no going around or sugar coating […]

Introducing Showkase: A Library to Organize, Discover, and Visualize Your Jetpack Compose Elements

Over the last few years, Android™ development has gone through significant changes in how apps are structured, the language used for development, the tooling & libraries that speed up our development, and the improvements in testing apps. What didn’t change in all these years is the Android UI toolkit. This changes with Jetpack Compose — […]

Jetpack Compose Multiplatform!?

The Jetpack Compose UI toolkit for Android now supports the Desktop with the possibility of more platforms. Jetpack Compose, the new UI toolkit for Android, that is currently in an Alpha stage, has made it’s way over to Desktop App development. The same UI toolkit used for Android application development can now be used for […]

Creating Different Build Variants in Android

Hi, Here is the list of good content for you. Creating Different Build Variants in Android Jetpack Compose Tutorial — Step by Step Guide Jetpack Compose: Navigation Pagination in Jetpack Compose Understanding ExifInterface Thanks Team MindOrks Creating Different Build Variants in Android was originally published in MindOrks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this […]

Mastering API Visibility in Kotlin

This article is also available as a talk, check out the slides and recordings here. Introduction While the focus of this article is libraries, everything here applies to any project that has multiple modules. Each of those modules presents a public API to the outside world, exactly the same way a library does. When designing […]

Learn Jetpack Compose for Android by Examples

Hi, We just open-sourced a project to learn Jetpack Compose for Android by Examples. Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. Project Link: Jetpack-Compose-Android-Examples You will be learning: How to build UI using Jetpack Compose in Android? How to display a Text and apply various styles to a Text? How to display […]

Peeking at command-line ANSI escape sequences

Peeking at command-line ANSI escape sequences 28 October 2020 Command-line programs use color to convey additional information and to look pretty. For example, compare the output of ls with and without the –color flag: The color helps convey information in this compact output that would otherwise only be available in more verbose forms (-l). In […]